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Our Ministry Call

Our ministry call is to teach and train the body of Christ. We want people to truly walk in their giftings and anointings. This is accomplished by teaching and impartation.

Together, we have more than 28 years of ministry experience in music, pastoral ministry, teaching, training, and counseling. From mission trips abroad, to local and national church meetings, we assist pastors, evangelists, and ministry leaders to accomplish their mandate. The Body of Christ needs to be sent out to reach others for Jesus and we are charged with getting them into their calling and imparting to them what they need to walk in it.

We are affiliated with the Missionary Methodist Church, Columbia, South Carolina. As a branch of the national organization, we host home meetings and travel to different ministry sites throughout the country to impart what the Lord has given us. In these days, our ministries need to be beyond reproach and we'll help you get there.

We welcome any ministry opportunity where we can share what the Lord has given us. Stop by our computer page and see how we can help you set up and maintain your ministry with a spirit of excellence.


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