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Want To See A Movie?

How many times have you wanted to go see a movie or rent a DVD but you need to check the rating first? Digging through the paper doesn't always give you the answers you're looking for and you sure can't depend on the box. So here's the best thing...

Just click on the picture and you'll be able to get info on all current and some older movies. And it's from a solid christian perspective so you'll know what to watch. Have fun!!!

Hey Kids Meet Max!

This is a really FUN movie. You'll find out how Max discovered what was REALLY important in life. He had the same kinds of questions all kids have. Watch and see how Max not only got his questions answered but also got a new way of life.


And don't forget to tune in on the folks from Whits End
and find out how the kids are doing with the Imagination Station. You'll love it!

MP3 Files

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Here are some VeggieTales MP3 sounds for you to listen to.

(Please note, that we are not affiliated with BigIdea, nor are we an official site of Veggie Tales)

Hair Brush Song (2.9MB)

Larry-Boy Song (3.1MB)


Pick from a series of on-line coloring books.It's really fun!

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Old Testament

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Epic Events

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Jesus Ministry

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The WHOLE story

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Moses and the
Burning Bush
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